Docker image sizes

As part of RegexPlanet, I have implemented the same basic functionality (a straightforward JSON API) with multiple technologies. I originally did them where-ever was easiest, but have been migrating them all to run in Docker, and it is interesting to compare the size of the Docker images.

Technology Image Size Notes
Bun 113 MB bun's own distroless image
Deno 111 MB distroless/cc with a static binary
Go   9 MB scratch
Java 271 MB jetty-jre21-alpine. Maybe try without jetty?
.Net 178 MB chiseled-extra
Node.js 152 MB distroless/nodejs22-debian12
Perl 233 MB debian-slim + Apache (it runs via CGI)
PHP  51 MB chainguard/php (running the built-in PHP webserver which isn't recommended)
Python  60 MB distroless/python3-debian12
Ruby 124 MB chainguard/ruby
Rust   5 MB scratch
Swift 271 MB ubuntu-noble (standard Vapor Dockerfile)
tcl 211 MB debian-slim + Apache (it runs via CGI)

Images were all built with Docker v24.0.7 for amd64.

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